I’m Dead

Editor’s Note: I did really get one of these letters from an insurance company that I have been paying into for years as a death benefit, and after a call to a customer service rep., the situation was quickly cleared. All the documentation needed was the statement at the bottom of their letter, “I am not dead!” signed with the date. I mailed the letter out the next day, after I made a copy of it, for my records.

I’m Dead

I got a letter in the mail this weekend,
and I was surprised to what it said.
The notice was addressed to my estate, and
it was checking to see if I was dead.
I really did wake up this morning, and
I do feel very much alive.
I have been through some rough times in
my life, not sure if I would survive.
I don’t have much of any estate, and
think I still have much to give.
My potential is exponential the
longer I live.
I need to call the insurance company
on Monday to set the record straight.
I really don’t need a letter from that
sort of company to determine my fate.
I could be an optimist, and view this
as a second chance.
All this is a time to have a good
long and healthy laugh.
I know for a fact that thousands
of guys share my similar name,
and that some person who made
a typographical error is to blame.
All this can also be a lesson
not take each day for granted.
I should live each moment with a
special meaning and each hour
while they all last.

Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here..

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