For Grandma

For Grandma

You’d think that you should
have solved your problems at 81,
but the world keeps spinning,
and your feet are on the run.
At your age you should relax,
enjoy life, smile and have fun;
but the new day arrives
and the job of living has begun.
The hours bring new challenges
and you face them as they come.
The sun sets the scene for
a chance to get the dishes done.
You get a few moments to rest
And expect some kind of reaction.
You are always trying to keep
the family together as one.
Your efforts are not forgotten
by your loving wordy grandson.


Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here..

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