Power to the People

Editor’s Note: John Lennon’s famous anthem for a call to action still has energy and this poem explores ways this energy can be used to solve the problems we face each day in the world.

Power to the People

There are several girls and boys who give up
and want others to give Christmas toys.
All together say “Power to the People!,
Power to the People right now!”

People have a right to express their discontent
with the politics of the current government.
All together say “Power to the People!,
Power to the People right now!”

There are many who don’t have enough to eat,
or their only home can be found in the streets.
All together say “Power to the People!,
Power to the People right now!”

Police want to stop violence and crime,
and those convicted must face the time.
All together say “Power to the People!,
Power to the People right now!”

Each one of us is part of the human race;
we need to live in a shared space.
All together say “Power to the People!,
Power to the People right now!”

Doctors need to find ways for better health,
and it can be done if we share our wealth.
All together say “Power to the People!,
Power to the People right now!”

We need to support members of our military
Efforts to secure our freedoms are necessary.
All together say “Power to the People!,
Power to the People right now!”

Religions are faith-based and should get along,
each singing their own peaceful songs.
All together say “Power to the People!,
Power to the People right now!”

Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here..

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