Start at the Heart


A poem by Brother Adrian Parker

Start at the Heart

When it seems like the sky’s falling in,
and money seems too tight,
you don’t know here to begin.
One place to start is the heart.
That’s where feelings can grow.
That’s where people know where
they can look to see through
the suffering and the pain.

If you start at the heart,
then only the blood will flow,
and the tempers will slow down
long enough to use some reason.
You will get through the day.
If you start at the heart, things
can only get better.
Good times might not last forever,
but the bills will be paid and
the sky won’t fall anymore.

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Elias Tobias Poetry

Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here.. #etpoetry

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