Welcome to the other side of Paradise

Welcome to the other side of Paradise


Brother Bill Kelso has seen the good side of life and what can happen on the other side the the tracks a a lawyer.

Welcome to the other side of Paradise 

Welcome to the other side of Paradise.
Here, the truth is really a lie,
And people who are happy like to cry.
Things are not as they seem, and
Symbols come to life as in a strange dream
Where red becomes the color green.
It’s hard to make sense of anything.

Welcome to the other side of Paradise.
Here day can quickly turn to night, and
a sharp pencil can drill through steel.
Business deals finalized are unsealed.
Rule and policies are made to be broken,
And praises to God are still spoken.
Successes of the past are mostly forgotten.

Welcome to the other side of Paradise.
Here decision known as wrong are right.
Media shows appeal to advertiser’s greed,
And we are told what we really need.
Despite man’s efforts, nature has her way.
In some relationships, it’s better to be gay.
Borders between reality and insanity are gray.

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