Saved by a Sandbar

Saved by a Sandbar

I’ve been caught up in the river of life,
Moving faster as I roll downstream,
And at the rapids I fall into whirlpools
Which spin me in different directions.
I clutch onto a large log past the rapids,
So I can have a chance to breath, and
Suddenly I stop as the log jams on a
Large sandbar rising above the water.
I climb the log to the wet sand with
The rain and winds against my skin.
Soon the storm is over and the
River’s edge recedes to near normal.
A day after landing on the sandbar,
I walk on the log to the shore where
I find refuge in the woods and roads
That run through it to my home.
Later that year, I returned to the
River and that sandbar was gone.


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Elias Tobias Poetry

Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here.. #etpoetry

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