The Music Box


A poem by Brother Christopher Benedict

The Music Box

A young girl, going on eight,
finds and inherits a worn
cloth-covered jewelry box. It
was used by her mother when
she was young.
It still plays “Over the Rainbow”
with a twist of a key.
The box remains sealed with
the girl’s imagination,
and the daughter’s dreams are
not limited to the contents inside.
Her mother is near, even though
she has gone away.
The music box may contain
only a few things, like a
favorite ring, however the
mother’s gift of love, unseen,

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Elias Tobias Poetry

Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here.. #etpoetry

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