Jealous Knight


(Blue Moon. Photo by Mike Hall)

Jealous Knight


From sun rise to sundown,
the light from the sun brings new day,
a chance for the world to change, and corn
and kids grow in the fields and schools.
The expression, “Have a good day” brings
the promise of prosperity in the world of work,
where minds meet to make new ideas.
During all this time, the night waits jealously
for the time he can undo what was done during
the day under the cloak of darkness.
People are restless with repeated dreams
as they try to sleep, and those that rest
make sure their lives are secure from the
thieves of the night who try to rob people
of the happiness brought by the new day.
The expression “Good Night” is a prayer for
those who enter the night to survive until
a new day arrives, for the night’s demons
play with the use of drugs and alcohol to
bring out the other side of people who use
the excuse that they were drunk at the time
when the damage can be seen in the light.
At predicted times, the twilight of the morning
arrives as the misty fog of night burns away,
revealing a brand new day.

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Elias Tobias Poetry

Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here.. #etpoetry

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