

Traffic along I-465 in Indianapolis, IN (photo by Mike Hall)



I leave an hour early, so I won’t be late,
And I need to be ready at my desk at eight.
Driving on I-465 is not a pleasurable drive.
Nerves of steel are needed to survive.
You have to watch for drivers that go in and out.
Things almost happen so much I want to shout.
It is an art getting to the correct turn lane,
And catching the right ramp is just insane.
I like to listen to the satellite radio since
The music is my kind of rock and roll.
It sets my mind on a mental cruise control.
I view the 55 mph speed limit signs as a guide,
But at times I see cars pulled over roadside.
In the morning, the sun blinds me from the East.
Bad weather is on the way home from the West.
I don’t think going any direction is the best.
Merging traffic slows speeds down to a crawl,
Or there is an accident, and it doesn’t move at all.
Beware of orange barrels and signs of construction.
Barricades and shifting lanes are obstructions.
The road turns into another animal at night.
More trucks are present, and the lights are bright.
Precipitation in Indiana changes with the seasons,
And people drive fast in the snow for no reason,
Except, like chickens, to get to the other side,
But that’s an awful waste of a way to die.
Despite alternatives, 465 driving a necessity
When you need to get somewhere in the city.
Be of sound mind to be prepared before you go,
Just like a feeling Indy 500 drivers should know.

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Elias Tobias Poetry

Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here.. #etpoetry

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