Your smile


A poem by Brother Kyle Morgan Stewart

Your smile

I can tell from the past few weeks
that things are not the same.
If it’s someone else in your life.
Then I don’t want to know the
person’s name. It doesn’t matter.
We are really both to blame.

We can still live together,
and there is no need to fight.
All we need is a little time to
make sure things work out right.
I’ll make changes if you decide
to spend your nights at home.

We have spent much time
fighting each others fears.
This has made our love last beyond
hours into over twenty years.
We have shared memories of our
children and their new tears.

We both deal with the changes
since the children are now gone.
Time and age make us wiser,
and the days can seem long,
but changes can make us better
singing our old love songs.

We can show by example that
marriage is not out of style,
and though people will change
love can last more than a while.
After all these years, I can wake up
in the morning to see your smile.

To read about the other members of the Lambda Sigma Chi’s , click on the LSC logo at the top of this page or click here.

Elias Tobias Poetry

Did you know that Elias Tobias has published two books, and one is an anthology of 145 poems, and the other a short story murder mystery? For complete information about these books and how to purchase them, click here.. #etpoetry

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